Irish potato farming for income and food security

The Irish potato is the world’s most important root and tuber crop and the fourth the fourth most important food crop globally. Irish potato is a major food security crop and a source of income for the farmers in the highland areas of Rwenzori sub region. It’s a nutrient rich crop with potassium and vitamins […]

Buck Stations

A buck station is where a male goat of superior qualities is kept by individual farmer to serve other smallholder goat farmers in the community who may not afford to acquire one of their own. A buck station is established for the purpose of introducing more productive goat breeds in a community through crossbreeding with […]

Revolving Goat Fund

The revolving goat fund project aims to build the asset base of families of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) by diversifying their livelihoods and empowering them towards self-help and economic resilience. The project addresses the problem of lack of productive assets among poor families of orphans and vulnerable children who are prone to many livelihood […]